Building a Faith Community
Purpose of Building a Faith Community Training
The main focus of this Building a Faith Community Training Course is to build an understanding of the key concepts, theories, principles and approaches that underpin the building of a faith community.
SAQA/QCTO Accredited Training
A Certificate of Completion will be issued after successful completion of the course, but this course also forms part of the Occupational Certificate: Christian Religious Professional (Minister of Religion), and 8 RPL credits will be granted against the Knowledge Modules of this qualification to all successful candidates.
Who should attend this Building a Faith Community Course?
- Individuals with a passion for Christian work.
- Any person who wants to be equipped for ministry and service.
- People who wants to be inspired and grow in Christlikeness and integrity.
- Any person with the intention of becoming a Pastor/Minister of Religion.
- A person functioning as a church leader without a formal qualification.
- Any person interested in becoming a Missionary.
- People who wants to be equipped to understand and apply the Bible.
An Effective & Affordable Option
It’s important to remember that many people have no access to seminary education, mostly due to the availability of adequate funding and/or personal circumstances. However, there is a hunger worldwide for learning the Bible, theology, and ministry skills, even becoming a pastor in a local church. Thousands of local pastors and individuals are currently serving as church leaders without any formal theological training. We now offer an affordable solution and option for those who want to study in the comfort of their own homes without attending a formal theological seminary or school. Decide today, and start pursuing your dream. Start studying for your certification and getting equipped has never been this easy.
What is the minimum entry requirements?
- Basic English Communication Skills on NQF Level 4
Learning Approach
- We offer hybrid learning – a combination of self-study, Zoom sessions and assignments.
- Blended e-Learning: Learners set their own learning pace and complete the programme based on the time available, subject to a maximum completion period.
- All assignments are open book assignments and all examinations are completed online.
How long does it take to complete the Building a Faith Community Course?
The course can easily be completed in a period of 12 months by a partime learner. We do, however, offer a 6 month minimum and a 24 month maximum to complete the learning programme.
Building a Faith Community Course Outline

- Building a Faith Community – NQF Level 5, Credits 8
- The principles of building healthy faith communities
- The missional nature of the church as point of departure
- Principles of spiritual and visional leadership (strategic planning and management) as a spiritual discipline of the church
- Ministry planning and management (operational maangement) as a spiritual discipline of the church
- The five-fold ministry leadership model
- Integration of the different aspects of ministry
- Focus areas in building the faith community
- Fellowship (group interaction with other believers) and its role in spiritual formation
- Theory and practice of focused interest group ministries in the faith community
- Principles of ministry of mutual care and compassion
- Principles of social cohesion and conflict management
- Principles of dealing with diverse traditions and cultures
- Principles of dealing with ecumenical relationships
- Principles for ministry to frail and institutionalised people
- The principles of children and youth ministry
- Biblical foundations of child and youth ministry
- Role of family in child and youth ministry
- Holistic development of children and youth
- The principles of ministry to senior members of the faith community
- Biblical foundations of ministry to senior members of the faith community
- Principles of involving senior members of the faith community in ministry
- Characteristics of senior members and its implication for ministry
- The principles of building healthy faith communities
Building a Faith Community Course Articulation
Credits obtained during this learning programme will contribute towards qualification 101571, Occupational Certificate: Christian Religious Professional , NQF Level 5, Credits 237.
Delivery Method & Language
The programme is facilitated in English by a competent subject matter specialist/s, who utilises the following techniques to ensure that the session is practical and experiential: Lecture, Exercises, Discussion, Role Plays, Case Studies, PowerPoint Presentation, Videos, Simulations, and Learner Assessment. Study Methods include a blended and/or hybrid approach.
- Upon successful completion, the learner will receive a Certificate of Completion issued by LEDISA Academy.
- Upon verified Competence of the Occupational Certification 101571, the learner will receive a Certificate of Competence as well as a Statement of Results from the Quality Council for Trade & Occupations (QCTO).
LEDISA Academy (Pty) Ltd is accredited training provider with ETDP SETA, Services SETA, TETA, QCTO and a registered training provider with COMENSA.